Annypoint connector SparkSql enables Apache Spark SQL to be used in Mule by providing integration inside Mule flows. The main functionality the Spark SQL Connector is to allow the execution of Spark job to extract structured data using Spark SQL capabilities. Version 1.0.0 allows a user to submit a job (defined as a SQL Query) into a Spark standalone Cluster and retrieve the results as a collection of entities. A use case can be defining a context with sources like a JSON file at hadoop, a cassandra DB and a PostgreSQL DB and execute a SQL Query (a SparkSQL Job) that joins and filters those data sources and produces, as result, a list of objects with requested data.
Additional Info
Requires Mule Enterprise License |
Yes |
Requires Entitlement |
Yes |
Mule Version |
3.6.0 or higher |
Connection Management
Spark SQL Configuration contains the required information to connect to a
Apache Spark Cluster. The global configuration will hold what is usually
called the Apache Spark 'Driver' or 'Spark Context', the process that sends
tasks to executors and listen to them during their lifetime.
See (see
Apache Spark
configuration) and (see
Apache Spark
XML Sample
<spark-sql:config name="SparkSql__Configuration" appName="sparksql-demo" master="spark://"
cassandraIp="" cassandraPort="9042"
<spark-sql:advanced-spark-conf key="spark.executor.cores">1</spark-sql:advanced-spark-conf>
<spark-sql:advanced-spark-conf key="spark.cores.max">2</spark-sql:advanced-spark-conf>
<spark-sql:list-file-data-prop type="CSV" alias="communications" uri="hdfs://" addJar="true" />
<spark-sql:list-file-data-prop type="JSON" alias="chargebacks" uri="hdfs://" addJar="true" />
<spark-sql:list-jdbc-data-prop driver="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" dbTable=""
url="jdbc:derby://" addJar="true"/>
<spark-sql:list-cassandra-data-prop keyspace="demo" tableName=""/>
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
name |
The name of this configuration. With this name can be later referenced. |
x |
connectionKey |
Shared secret currently supported by Apache Spark for authentication (Apache Spark 'spark.authenticate.secret' option, 'spark.authenticate' will be set to 'true' if not empty or null.). |
master |
Spark Master URL (Apache Spark 'spark.master' option). Next values are currently supported (see Apache Spark documentation):
x |
appName |
The name of your application (Apache Spark '' option). This will appear in the UI and in log data. |
x |
localIp |
Hostname or IP address for the driver to listen on. This is used for communicating with the executors and the standalone Master (Apache Spark '' option). |
localPort |
Port for the driver to listen on. This is used for communicating with the executors and the standalone Master (Apache Spark 'spark.driver.port' option). |
heartbeatInterval |
Interval between each executor's heartbeats to the driver. Heartbeats let the driver know that the executor is still alive and update it with metrics for in-progress tasks (Apache Spark 'spark.executor.heartbeatInterval' option). |
10s |
advancedSparkConf |
A map that can be used to configure any Apache Spark option that can not be set directly in this Configuration (see Apache Spark configuration) |
sqlContextType |
Customize the entry point to Spark SQL functionallity (see Apache Spark SQL programming guide). Currently only SQL (SQLContext) is supported. |
listFileDataProps |
A list of files (at Hadoop HDFS) to be included as data sources and that will be available as 'tables' to the the Apache Spark SQL Context. |
listJdbcDataProps |
A list of JDBC managed database tables to be included as data sources and that will be available as 'tables' to the the Apache Spark SQL Context. |
cassandraIp |
Cassandra database IP to connect to. Set this option only if you plan to use a Cassandra database as another data source. |
cassandraPort |
Cassandra database PORT to connect to. Set this option only if you plan to use a Cassandra database as another data source. |
addCassandraJar |
Flag used to instruct the Spark Context to send cassandra driver to Spark Workers. This is usually required (true) if you plan to use a Cassandra database as another data source. |
false |
listCassandraDataProps |
The list of cassandra keyspaces and table names to work with. Set this option only if you plan to use a Cassandra database as another data source. They will be included as data sources and will be available as 'tables' to the the Apache Spark SQL Context. |
Add jdbc data properties
Dynamically add new datasources from JDBC accesible databases
XML Sample
<spark-sql:add-jbdc-data-properties config-ref="SparkSql__Configuration" >
<spark-sql:list-jbdc-data-prop driver="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" dbTable="derbyDb" url="jdbc:derby://" addJar="true"/>
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
config-ref |
Specify which config to use |
x |
listJdbcDataProps |
List of JDBC accesible databases options |
x |
Add file data properties
Dynamically add new datasources from Hadoop HDFS files
XML Sample
<spark-sql:add-file-data-properties config-ref="SparkSql__Configuration" >
<spark-sql:list-file-data-prop type="JSON" uri="hdfs://" alias="json_table"/>
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
config-ref |
Specify which config to use |
x |
listFileDataProps |
List of Hadoop HDFS files options |
x |
Add cassandra data properties
Dynamically add new datasources from Cassandra database keyspaces and tables
XML Sample
<spark-sql:add-cassandra-data-properties config-ref="SparkSql__Configuration2" >
<spark-sql:list-cassandra-data-prop keyspace="keyspaceName" tableName="tableName"/>
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
config-ref |
Specify which config to use |
x |
listCassandraDataProps |
List of Cassandra database keyspaces and tables |
x |
Custom sql
Run an arbitraty SQL query through Spark SQL Context.
XML Sample
<spark-sql:custom-sql config-ref="SparkSql__Configuration" sql="select * from json_table"/>
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
config-ref |
Specify which config to use |
x |
sql |
SQL Query |
x |
Sql select
SQL Select
XML Sample
<spark-sql:sql-select config-ref="SparkSql__Configuration" sqlSelect="select * from json_table"/>
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
config-ref |
Specify which config to use |
x |
sqlSelect |
SQL select query to run into the Apache Spark Cluster through the Spark SQL Context. |
x |
temporaryTableName |
If set, it will be the name of a new temporary table available at the Spark SQL Context with current query results. |
streaming |
if set (true) the result will be of type 'Iterator |
Return Java Type | Description |
the result will be the structured data found by the query.. If |
Drop temporary table
Drop a temporary table present at the Spark SQL Context.
XML Sample
<spark-sql:drop-temporary-table config-ref="SparkSql__Configuration" temporaryTableName="avro_table" />
Force global configuration disconnection. This way, the Spark Context / "driver" will be cleared and all related resources freed (Apache Spark Executors for example)
Name | Java Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
config-ref |
Specify which config to use |
x |